Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ancient Roman Government Quest

This Web Quest will challenge you to research information about the progression of government in Ancient Rome. As a low ranking political advisor to Septimus Severus, your job is to research whether the republic should be restored and whether emperors should rule Rome. You need to prepare arguments for each issue for there will be a Roman forum held to resolve the matter.

Research both sides and be able to take a stance that will restore the people’s faith in the Roman government. If you are successful in your task, you could quite possibly earn an elected position in the new Republic; or serve as a top advisor to the Roman emperor.

You will have two days to research these issues. On the Monday you must have step 3 of the PROCESS page and the answers to the questions on the ASSESSMENT page completed. Work swiftly and steadily.

The following link will lead you to the start of the Web Quest:

The first link in step one is

Additional links may be added to the blog. Make sure to check back to see updates.

Be prepared for the class discussion on Monday. You will need all the work from the Quest and your notes for the discussion.

You may post your arguements as a comment on this blog post. Be sure to only state your first name and last initial.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is this due on monday?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

chealse it is due on monday

Anonymous said...

Mr. Joachim i was wondering if this was where we were suposed to type our essays???and if it wasn't than is it ok that i did it here??

Anonymous said...

i am going against the republic. I am going against the republic because first of all to many people were going against the republic and they were killing the dictators and people were dying because the patricians were bying all the land that they owned. The republic is very well organized, but not everyone was getting an equal share in government. The plebeians couldn't vote or run for any political position.
so thats why i am going against the republic, and for emperors to rule and keep every thing under control and in peace.

I am going for the republic because if it weren't for the republic rome would have crumbled to bits and pieces. I think that because the republic was a form of government that was equal to every one and the farmowners got most of their land back and they got some entertainment and food free wich was called the bread and circus or something like that. The republic was an easy way to make things easy to control with the new rodes and buildings made of concrete and mail wich was transported by horse. All of this was possible because of the republican government.

Anonymous said...

yes finally i am done with all of my homework before dinner!!!!!! wwwhhhooopppeeeyyy!!!!!!

Mr. Joachim said...

Looks like several of you are off to a good start. Matt and Justin posted the actual answers to the Web Quest Evaluation...sorry boys, but I had to hide them for now. Madie is off to a good start. Let's think about a three paragraphy outline and supportive details. I have a new post for students to post various points. . . check out what others are researching.

Anonymous said...

So,mr.Jo, when i m done doing the for and against thingy, doi have to pick one then type it up on this?Im so confused?????

Mr. Joachim said...

You need to type or write up both arguments.

Anonymous said...

ok, i get it now!Sorry for all the questions i ask.

Anonymous said...

does any1 no how long this thingy has 2 b > mandy

Anonymous said...

Mandy it has 2 b 3 paragraphs long.

Anonymous said...

I am going against the roman republic. I am against the roman republic because, a republic just causes more comfusion than any empire under one ruler would. A republic means, a government in wich people elect their representatives. I mean.... common who want's want to go through the entire proccess of making election cards then mailing them out to everyone and then when you get them having to choose what person to elect in that certain position then having to mail then back to who ever mailed them to you, where they will get counted over and over again just to make sure that they didn't miss a vote! The republic is very well organized, and everyone is supposed to have an equal share in government. Hey if the poor people (the plebians) and women were allowd to vote than maybe i wouldn't be so against a republic. Honestly i wouldn't want to remember to have to turn in my votes on a certain day so that they could be counted by a certain date. I definatly would not want to remember what all the candidates said to convince me that they were the right person to vote for. That is why i am against the roman republic.

I am going against the roman empire. I am against the roman empire because, an empire is ruled by one person and one person only. Yah i belive that there may have been others in the government of an empire but they had no say in any matter of anything that confronted them and niether did the peole of rome. Many would think that an empire would be the esiest way to rule, but i think otherwise. I belive that a type of government in wich only one person after another, constantly changing the rules of government, and never having anyone beside them to give them any advice on anything by saying, well i think that this is or isn't a good idea would be a bad way of governing unlike a republic. In a republic there are many representatives for each city. All of the representatives can come and talk about situatoins and problems in each city. In an empire there is only one representative for everything and that would be the emperor. Wouldn't you think that would be a hard position, to keep everything in peace over here and quite over there. Thats why i think that a republic is better than any empire.

Anonymous said...

i sure hope that you think that this is a whole lot better than my last one.

Anonymous said...

oh yah now i am finally done with my homework!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

mr. joachim are you there or any body else?????

Anonymous said...

i wish someone was on

Anonymous said...

mr. joachim i was wondering if my homework that i redid was allot better thatn the first???

Anonymous said...

hey i just got back from church and i am amazed that no one has commented on any thing since me this morning!!

Anonymous said...

Hi this is little miss. meteorite (madies little sister)

Anonymous said...

hey little miss meteorite are you there???

Anonymous said...

IMM stands for little miss meteroite ok?Ok.

Anonymous said...

maddie, aren'rt you supposed to writing for the republic and emperors?Not against?

Anonymous said...

thats fine with me well ttyl.

Anonymous said...

me and madie have to eat now bye

Anonymous said...

were back

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is coralee on yet because I want to talk to her.
from: lmm

Anonymous said...

leslie mr. joachim said that we had to do one for the republic and against the republic and thats what i did.

Anonymous said...

who is cheezy head????????

Anonymous said...

Hi mr.joa i really like ski club and i really want to be in tech when i get into 7th and 8th grade well amanda roberts' sister Coralee Roberts

Anonymous said...

is anybody there

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, i think i get it now?Ummm...... So maddy?Do i just have to write against the republic and for, and thats it?

Anonymous said...

wow, i just got it done...finally!

Anonymous said...

Cheezy head is Chelse.

Anonymous said...

is any body still there?

Anonymous said...

Coralee? Madie? Chelsea? Mr.Joachim? Any body???

Anonymous said...

who is I like freetos???

Anonymous said...

yah leslie thats what mr. joachim wants is for us to write a paragragh with three supportive deatils against the republic and another for the republic also with three supportive details.

Anonymous said...

So... Mr.Joachim is this friday the last day that the ski club will let us stay there? Or is our time expired?

Anonymous said...

fretos; you spelled chelsea incorrect!! oops! and this is due monday. but we will share in class tuesday.

riley p and micheal r need help!!!!

thank god i ski

Anonymous said...

PARIS said...
HI wassssssssss up. I can't say my sss vary well since i got braces and expander.

peace PARIS

Anonymous said...

1.A republic is a form of government where the citizens pick the desicions and there is no official desicion.
2.The patricians in rome were the rich people who had most of the power.
3.The senators was a group of about 300 people and usaully they were old judges or old officials.
4.The two main government officials are the senators and the consuls.
5.The plebians in rome were the lower class citizens in Rome.
6.They played role as soliders or just beggars, and a tribune is a person who upholds or defends the rights of the people.
7.The republic worked by all of the citizens and the senate and counsuls working together to form a government, a veto was the power or right vested in one branch of a government to cancel or postpone the decisions, enactments, etc., of another branch, esp. the right of a president, governor, or other chief executive to reject bills passed by the legislature.

Anonymous said...

lmm: fritos is me, Leslie
michelle: i meant to spell it like that.
matt and justin:Woooooooohooooooo, right on!You guys got it done.right!

Anonymous said...

is any body on now??

Anonymous said...

I know it will sound weird but me and Meteorite have to eat dinner

Anonymous said...

hello????????? Is any one there

Anonymous said...

mr.joachim,is our paragraghs\questions due tomarrow?

Anonymous said...

hi well this is only for meteorite (Madie)I'm really sorry!!!!:( :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

Hi shona well I'm doing homework.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this blog a little out dated its 2/15/07