Tuesday, January 16, 2007

in the beginning...

So this is the start of, possibly, a very long discussion. I have three simple goals with this blog. I desire to see students start questioning, to think beyond the stated facts of textbooks and educators, and to intellectually share their own individual processes.

"The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot

help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries

of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality.

It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a

little of this mystery every day.

Never lose a holy curiosity."

Albert Einstein


kyle g said...

The Camaro
Have you ever wondered about the car called the Camaro? Well we all know of the brand called Dodge. Plymouth originated from this car company and they produced a car called the “Barracuda” the Corvette was made to out do the Cuda and they did. After all the Corvette Stingray wasn't as good as Chevrolet planed it was. In six years the Ford Mustang would take down the Corvette in amount sold and in drag racing. This next year was a dark year coming up for all the car companies.
Finally in 1967 the Camaro was born. It took Chevrolet one whole year to think of this car’s dimensions and name two other names that were suggested were Wild Cat and Panther. This car was built from the ground up.
1967-’68 the Camaro looked [in the long run] that it was not going to last long. In 1969 Chevrolet thought that they needed to make their customers feel special by rearranging gages and they created the Super Sport this is a faster and better looking version of the Camaro. These changes didn't help much with sales. So Chevrolet and GM teamed up and put a new body on the same chassis and they gave it a whole new look.
This helped a lot and to help it even more they put out a version called the Z28. This version was built for racing it took Mustang pretty much out of the drag racing world. From 1971-1993 didn't make much changes except for in 1981 they introduced the Irock-Z by combined the Z28 and luxury interior.
In 1994 GMC became partners with GM and Chevrolet and they created a new type of Camaro to the world. In my opinion these years where the worst creation of sports car ever. But some may disagree.
This 2006 Camaro is probably one of the best Camaro’s in history and some really cool things about this Version is that it can go from 0-60 in 6.765 seconds and its top speed is ~195 MPH. After all it really does live up to its nickname the super car.

sushi said...

Ski Club For
Basketball players

Ski club is a good after school activity. Unfortunately the Sadie Halstead boy’s basketball team practice interferes with ski club. Although the Ski Club bus leaves the school at 3 o’clock, Mr. Joachim has arranged for a parent to transport the participating basketball players to 49 Degrees North when practice is finished at four. That parent is Joel Rice; we would like to give a special thanks to Joel. Thank you Joel devoting your time to the basketball players who need a ride.

Anonymous said...

It’s a nice summer day at the skate park and a group of skaters are trying to skate on the half pipe. Suddenly some people get in there way and won’t move.
Some people think that the skate park is too crowded with people that don’t skate and just get in the way. I recently had an interview with Matt Milich. He has a few things to say on this subject.

Conor Knowles: So, Matt have you ever had an experience in which someone has gotten in your way while you were trying to skate?
Matt Milich: Yeah, one time I was skating and this little kid just jumped out of nowhere and I fell face first into the ground. It hurt really badly, but luckily I didn’t have to go to the doctor.

Conor: Does it matter who the person is who gets in the way? Like what if it just a little kid?
Matt: I don’t care either way, they need to stay off the skate park if there just going to get in our way.

Conor: Would you be more mad if you saw someone get in your friends way or would you not be mad at all?
Matt: I think I would be madder. There was this one time when my friend was skating at the park and this kid got in his way so he fell over and his board went flying and it snapped in two.

Anonymous said...

my dog's name is Shadow. please post a comment!

Anonymous said...

Shadow. Awethum!!!

Anonymous said...

Sushi's real name starts with R.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You bet. Mr. N said that if you take the ley from his name so you would hav raw. besides isn't fish raw. isn't it funny.

Anonymous said...

Nice, Connor.Did you realy interview Matt or did you just do that?Silly!

Anonymous said...

who is (damsel in distress?) Ahhhhhhhhh my head hurts just askin.