Tuesday, January 16, 2007

In Memory of Grandpa...

Donald Wilbur Klingbeil
April 30, 1924 to January 16, 2007

Today I received the sad news that my life hero, my grandpa, had died. One of my favorite class activities is to tell childhood stories...my grandfather seemed to always be in the middle of each adventure. My favorite memories include working on the farm, hunting, fishing, trapping ground squire, camping and best of all...joking.

Here is to my my hero, may God bless his soul.

Click to enlarge image


Anonymous said...

Mr. Joachim i'm very sorry to hear the sad news. I Know how it feels to lose some one you love with all your heart.

Anonymous said...

when i heard about your grandfather I started remembering about my granddads. In 1992 i lost my mom's dad because he was hit by a tool in his workshop & died in the hospital. 1 year ago my dad's dad died in the hospital down in denver because he had cancer.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Joachim,
iwould cry every time I talked about them if someone ever died in my family. i'm feel sooo bad.

Way to stay strong!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind thoughts. When I start to get sad about my grandfather, I simply think about the good times and all the wonderful jokes. Thoughts of Elmer help out too.

Anonymous said...

soo sorry for your lost i know how you feel over this summer my grandma died.Hang in there!! >mandy

Anonymous said...

sorry its loss not lost >mandy

Anonymous said...

i am very sorry to here that. I know exactly how it feels because my grandpa died on new year's eve. I just went to his memorail this weekend>Judah

Anonymous said...

Shake 'n' Bake said

Mr. Joachim I'm so sorry about your gramps. It's realy hard to let them go so I know exactly how you feel. I'v lost a few friends and familt too.


Anonymous said...


i really know how this feels to lose someone near and dear to you




Anonymous said...

im sorry for your loss i lost my grandma not long ago so i know how it feels i cried at her funeral tasha r

Anonymous said...

sorry to here that your grandpa past away! I know how it feels to loose a grandpa your so close to

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.joe and its verry sad to here about your gramps and i know how it feels i lost some of my family. Like my Aunt Max was verry colose to me and she died of alchole.
Well Good luck and i hope that u have good memories about him
Amanda Roberts' sis Coralee Roberts

Anonymous said...


I have not yet come to the point in my life where I have a lost a person very dear to me. But I have lost a lot of pets very dear to me. It hurts to lose something you raised and took care of, but to lose someone that is even more close hurts even more. I know it has been quite a while since he had died. I just want you to know that if you can hang in there this long your brave. A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others. Hang in there and have fun grading S.S. tests. God Bless.

Secret Identity is fun

Anonymous said...

Mr.Joe I feel so bad I just went to a funeral not to long ago. I also lost my brother Richard in a car accident when I was 5. so I know what it's like to lose a family member. Also I lost my Grandpa, Aunt, uncle,and 2 other uncles.

Anonymous said...

how sad M&M

Anonymous said...

I want to thank all of you for your support and kind thoughts. My grandfather was one of my biggest heros. He lived a full life and set an awesome example of how to help others. He is dearly missed.

Upon my grandfathers death, I learned how he influenced so many peoples life...complete strangers and distant friends came to my Grandfathers funeral to express the difference he had made in their lives by his simple acts of kinds and help. My life has a new purpose...I want to be just like my grandfather. I will never fill his shoes, but want to die trying.

I want those of your who have shared about your loved ones to think about how you can make a positive change for your dear one.

Anonymous said...

well mr joe i think that deep down every1 wants to fill their hero's shoes I know i do.