Thursday, January 25, 2007

Points to Ponder...

Well, our three day weekend is off and running. I hope everyone finds some time to relax and enjoy life as you like it. As for me, I am going skiing Friday and plan on seeing my Grandma Saturday.

Okay...I want to start hearing various points about our Roman Republic vs. Emperor argument. Remember, you need to write two different arguments. Your first essay will support reestablishing the Roman Republic. You will want to explain why it best serves the Roman people to have a republic. The second paper must support an emperor ruling Rome. Is it better to have one head official to rule over a large empire?

Be sure to gather supportive details for all main points of you argument. Three paragraphs per argument will be sufficient.

To help each other out lets post web links and facts to this posting. This is a group process and a great way to work together.


Anonymous said...

Mr Joachim, do you want us to post our seven answers for the Roman Republic?

Anonymous said...

Ryun, No. Keep those answers for the class discussion on Monday. However, you can post your two arguments here. Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Joa. did you want to our answers on the student voices?

Anna R

Anonymous said...

No, please post you essays as a comment under the Ancient Roman Government Quest... You can post various points and supportive details under this blog.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

this is great mr. joachim. Do we have to to do all steps for the arguement or do we save the other steps for class?

Anonymous said...

I think an empire is the best form of government for the Roman people. Rome covered many territories and different cultures. Having one leader, an emperor, help control this large area. The emperor is able to see all the issue and make decisions for all the people.


Anonymous said...

I am not sure that your argument is legit. There were many bad emperor. Nero ruled cruelly. The book stated that he killed his mother and two wives. pg. 288


Anonymous said...

I agree with bob that there were many cruel emperors. The roman Republic should have stayed and not have many emperors that were cruel.


Anonymous said...

The government we have now comes from the romans republic and the greeks democracy so we have to thank the romans for are government we have nowdays.


Anonymous said...

I think the people should rule Rome because they would have a voice in society and politics. They should rule because senators don't know what people had wanted. Also, most of the emperors were crazy,and evil. If the emperors made a false decision the people would have to pay for it. When the senate had ruled democracy all of the citizens did not have a say in the best for the country. If the citizens ruled they'd not have to be forced to pay taxes. Citizens and the people should be aloud to control their lives, and not have someone else do it for them. If I was part of the governed people I'd like to have a say in what our democracy should do. Also, I'd want to tell the senate how the people should be ruled in the way of survival and protection of the country.

Anonymous said...

Roman Republic is the best option to pick they had control over the public and made acceptable laws for all. If the Romans rebuilt the Republic they would have flourished for longer than the emperors could. the Republic will win!!!


Anonymous said...

The emporers did have thier quirks. they did help the roman empire to flourish in a way. They helped expand they empire to its largest state!


Anonymous said...

We have to agree with matt casuse there were rotten rulers. Also there were many well built rulers, by that we mean that help thier empire insteed of going just for the money and being greedy.

see you,
Sly and Sky

Anonymous said...

Gracie's words:
eddo! I think that the republic would be best for Rome and the people because the citizens were allowed to elect a leader to rule over their city. We feel that Rome deserves a republic with the oppurtunity to vote. With emperors and other dictating rulers Rome cannot succeed to their highest level. Emperors cause arguements and people who can't speak their opinion.
Kristyn's words:
Rome needs a republic for these following reasons:
~the people deserve a government that gives them rights.
~with emperors, Rome is limited in it's development.
~with a republic, there is less chance of chaos that might cause their civilization to fail.

We hope you liked it and that it was okay if we did this on the same comment thing but seperate work.

nutter butter and kribbyn