Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Student Voices

Student voices are often heard wispering within the classroom walls. This posting was created to hear what our student have to say...Post On!


Anonymous said...

Leonardo Da Vinci
By: Amber V

Leonardo was born in Vinci, Italy to a pheasant woman named Caterina. Shortly after birth, she left him in the care of his father. When Leonardo was 15, his father knew he had artistic talent. Leonardo became an apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio.
Leonardo’s notebooks contained sketches of inventions that would not be produced for hundreds of years. These inventions include the helicopter, subways, and multi-barreled artillery.
His famous paintings include the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, and Vitruvian Man.
Leonardo died on 2 May 1519 in Amboise. At this time Leonardo da Vinci was 67 years old. His state of health was not the best, because Leonardo had a paralysis on the right side of his body since 1517 and Vasari told about an illness some weeks before Leonardo died.
On 23 April 1519 Leonardo wrote his last will.

Sky said...

By:Duncan .H.
Leonardo Da Vinci
The Impacts of Life
Leonardo Da Vinci influenced us all in some way. He invented the helicopter and the clock. He also invented the scaling ladder.
If Leonardo didn't come up with the idea of a helicopter, we wouldn't have emergency transportation for city hospitals. His original invention had the shape of an aerial screw.
The scaling ladder plays a great role in our lives. Firefighters need scaling ladders to get to tall buildings. Also, carpenters need it for putting siding up or painting walls.
Have you wondered how we got "tick tock tick tock?" It was all because of Leonardo's influence in the invention of the modern clock. He used weights and gears, but the clocks that he originally made had an inaccuate timing system.
Overall, Leonardo influenced our everday lives, from helicpters to scaling ladders to clocks. I think Leonardo was the greates Renaissance man ever. Do you think so too?

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh, I Got An iPod!
By: Jaimi A
On December 19th, 2006, I stood in Mr. Joachim’s room anxiously awaiting to open my Christmas present. I slowly peeled back the silver wrapping paper when I screamed “Oh my gosh I got an iPod.” Clutching the gleaming black box with the words “Video iPod" lay out across it, I ran out into the hallway and screamed at the top of my lungs, “I got an iPod”, I got an iPod.”After I was done doing a victory dance, I skipped/ran back into Mr. Joachim’s room to thank my friends for their wonderful gift. The funny thing was Mr. Joachim was filming me the whole time.

sushi said...

Ski Club For
Basketball players

Ski club is a good after school activity. Unfortunately the Sadie Halstead boy’s basketball team practice interferes with ski club. Although the Ski Club bus leaves the school at 3 o’clock, Mr. Joachim has arranged for a parent to transport the participating basketball players to 49 Degrees North when practice is finished at four. That parent is Joel Rice; we would like to give a special thanks to Joel. Thank you Joel devoting your time to the basketball players who need a ride.

Sky said...

If I Was a Roman Citizen

If I was a Roman Citizen and Julius was coming to power I would be a patrician because they could do more and because they were furious.

If I was Julius Caesar I would have watched my back. I hate hour I have to share land with plebians I liked the slaves more! Final reason I wouldn’t put Julius into power is that he will become a dictator having all power of the Roman Empire.

When he rose to power I was furious! He was just going to help the plebians and not the patricians. He was weakening the senate and gaining more power! He treated his defeated enemies with cruelty.

When he was reformed he was a dictator! The senate had no power; he punished those who wanted to uphold the traditions and laws of the republic. He started a civil war to the destruction of the republic. He only sought glory for himself at the expense of the republic!

In Summary,
Julius Caesar was a callous dictator. He punished anyone that upholds the tradition and laws of the republic. He sought glory for himself at the expense of the republic. He started a civil war! I say that he shouldn’t of came into power!

Sky said...

Hey anyone who likes guitars i made my own blog called http://musicmanguitars.blogspot.com/
so check it out unless mr.Joachim doesn't agree

Anonymous said...

What Do Teachers Really Do After School?
By: Amanda R

Some people may think a teachers’ job may directly after school, or they just grade papers and keep innocent kids after school for detention. But that is only half the story.
The following are what some Newport School District teachers had to say when I asked them the question: “What do you do after school?”
Mr. Joachim, Sadie Halstead’s Social Studies and Language Arts teacher, said he goes to meetings, (but what teacher doesn’t?) such as Technology meetings, and Teachers’ association meetings. When he is not at meetings he having parent teacher conferences with the parents of the students he teaches. You could also find Mr. Joachim working on his National Teaching Certificate. When Mr. ”Joe” is not at school he is working on completing his home, and on Friday nights he is skiing at 49 Degrees North with the Newport Ski club.
I also questioned Mrs. Urmann, the honors teacher, on this subject. She said she also attends Tech meetings and Teachers’ association meeting and also is on the district curriculum committee. She is really busy with meetings! When not at meetings, Mrs. Urmann rereads all of the assignments from the day, and reads and researches about some of the things she is teaching. For recreation, she skis, snowmobiles, travels, goes white water rafting, and goes boating. She is really busy having fun too!
Teachers at Sadie Halstead Middle School do a lot more than what we think they do after school. So the next time you see your teacher say thank you for all they do at school for you and your peers and also ask if you can go with them the next time they go have fun!

Sky said...

I like the idea mr.Joachim!

Anonymous said...

What We Can Do To Help Others
By Steven C.

Do you know someone with diabetes, cancer, or heart disease? Do you know someone who is homeless, lonely, or just having a hard time? If you do, you probably know how hard the situation is to deal with.
There are many ways you can help others in need. For many years, there have been foundations that have helped or treated harmful, life-changing occurrences in the body. For example, The American Heart Association, The American Cancer Society, and The Breast Cancer Organization. These foundations are visible at school fundraisers, on the internet, or even on donation boxes at local businesses.
If you can’t help financially, then consider donating your talent or time. Newport offers many services that could use your help, such as the Food Bank, Crisis Network, Hospitality House, and Nursing Home. These places will host different events every so often. Remember; have fun doing your act. This makes you and everyone around you in a better mood!
“I believe it is important for young people to help others while at an early age. This can be as simple as holding the door open for an elderly person” states a scout leader.
This is an opportunity that can save (or at least improve) someone’s life! Not all people are as fortunate as you are. With that in mind, you should attempt to contribute in any way you can. Opportunities exist everywhere, even in school. So please, help where you can!

Anonymous said...

Wacky Weather
Hey ya’ll, what is up with this weather?! First it’s hot then it’s cold, then it’s hot again. WHATS THE DEAL? I think the constant fluctuation of weather is absolutely annoying this year. Maybe if I better understood what was happening I could understand it more. All I can say is that the weather better not affect the fishing in this area.

To begin with, the evil el Niño. El Nino is a weather pattern that brings warm tropical air up to our area in the winter time. El Niño usually lasts about three to four years. But this year El Niño has lasted since 2001 that is six years! El Niño doesn’t also bring warm, wet weather; it also brings hot, dry air. The hot dry air devastates the usual warm and wet climates. It causes drought and forest fires everywhere. Scientists say that the El Niño pattern is what we are facing now and that it should subside in the next year. But if it doesn’t then that means it could be global warming.

Next off, the annihilation of the world: global warming. Global warming is the belief that the pollutions that are being pumped in the air aren’t allowed to leave the atmosphere so they bounce off and come back and recycle their heat energy. But if global warming didn’t happen, we would still be in an ice age. In a newly discovered island near the country of Greenland, a 60 year old explorer and his team set off to explore the small and remote island. The map showed that there where small, finger like, peninsulas of glacial ice sticking out. But when the team arrived, they found only a fast moving ocean current running where ice should be. This is another affect of global warming.

Finally, an average year. A lot of times the jet stream malfunctions. What happens is the jet stream dips lower south before it reaches the western coast so it brings up warmer air; allowing warmer rains to fall and less snow. Other times the jet stream dips higher up north and it brings in frigid cold air, so there is less precipitation and more frigid, cold temperatures.

In my personal opinion, I believe that global warming is responsible for the continual warming trend that we have been receiving for the past few decades; but that’s just an opinion. The factors that could be contributing to the weather fluctuation are El Niño, global warming, and the fact that it could be just one of those years with little snow and warm and cold temperatures.

Sky said...

i agree with luke that the weather is wacky

Anonymous said...

By Kattya Prater

In our school, students need to learn to be more respectful. The teachers aren’t here to help us be rude; they are here to help us learn. It Is against school policy t back talk the teachers, and when they ask you to do something, just do it. You should be respectful to the students as well. It is also against school policy to fight, and it doesn’t matter if it is physical or verbal.
But we also need to take care of our building. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve picked up trash on the bathroom floors and the playground. We also need to take care of our lockers. Think about the future. Do you want your children to have dented lockers? Do the right thing. Take care of our school for future generations.

Sky said...

who made up war can't we get along with each other

Anonymous said...

By: Cody J. Gore
“We must drop a soldier’s tear upon the graves of the noble men who have fallen by our sides.”


The campaign of Tullahoma
Major General William S. Rosecran’s army from Cumberland in the spring of 1863 was extremely crucial for the Union’s cause. Their goal was to push south through eastern Tennessee and seize the town of Chattanooga. Chattanooga, a town with a population of 3,500 peoples, was built on a bend in the Tennessee River. It was also a main gateway into northern Georgia and the paths going at the way to Atlanta and the center of the south, another importance of the town was that it was a joining point of the four main railroad lines that transported a large percent of the Confederacy’s supplies including food, arms, and ammunition. This path would soon lead to the rough hills to the south of Chattanooga where the Union and Confederate forces would meet each other in one of the many vital battles of the Civil War. The battle, a vicious, violent and desperate one, took place by a creek that the native Cherokee tribe called Chickamauga or River of blood by the middle of January 1863, Rosecran’s Army of the Cumberland were camped out Murfreesboro, Tennessee. From there it was a mere 85 miles from Chattanooga by then they had already gained victory over the Rebel (confederate) army facing them. That force was General Braxton Bragg’s army of Tennessee. That battle took place on the edges of the close by Stones River at the beginning of the year. Bragg’s beaten down army was about thirty miles or so to the southeast and having lost one-third of his army, was too weak to fight Rosencrantz. Bragg was recuperating and calling in reinforcements as best and as fast as possible to head off Rosecran’s unstoppable move south. After a series of chaotic battles and painstaking marches the army of Cumberland stood in Defense of the city of Chattanooga.

Chattanooga under Siege
On September 22, only a couple days after the battle, Rosecran’s remaining forces retreated within the defenses of Chattanooga. Shortly after this, Bragg sieged the city and set up along Missionary Ridge. Soon after Rosecran pulled his troops off Lookout Mt. and Bragg seized it peacefully. Things did not look good for the Federals. But some how, no matter how bad things seemed the Union troops managed charged the Confederates in to a full retreat south and won the battle of Chickamauga.

Sky said...

Wow so many good articles

Sky said...

i am the only one that said the most on this blog site

Anonymous said...

Off to a Great Start!

Ski club is off to great start. There are many students enrolled in it and that makes it even better.The students made their way up to 49 Degrees North, Friday, Jan 5th for the first time.The snow was awesome,but it was little overcast. There was about 6 inches of fresh fallen snow and it was a little windy. As a result, some areas of the mountain were very diffiicult to get down.

The instructors were great! there was slight problem though. There were not enough instructors for each student to have one. Instaed, some students had to wait until 6:30 P.M. for their lesson and because of that, they did not get to ski or snowboard with their friends for very long.

On Jn 12th, students, with scarves rapped around their faces, and their bodies all bundled up , headed to the their lessons for the second time. It was 2 degrees on the top of the mountain and 5 degrees at the lodge. It was freezing! Students had a hard time getting down the mountain safely with their numb toes and runny noses. It was really icy and because of that some of our fellow ski clubbers got injured.One student fell on the way to the bus and hit his head on the ice and another student fell on the mountain while snowboarding and fractured her wrist.

After all it has been a great beginning for the Newport Ski Club.There has been many bumps on the road, but that doesn't stop the clubbers from riding strong!

Anonymous said...

the ski club is mine


Anonymous said...

i am gonna retype it cuz there are some errors i will do it in tech


mine is the Off to a Great Start

Anonymous said...

wat do teachers really do i wan to know!

bonkers said...


Grizzley Power

Go Grizz

bonkers said...

Step #3 is confusing.
What are position papers?
Also,how long do you want the essays to be.
What is a forum?
How should we argue each side, what do you mean by that?
Sorry,I tried to ask you these questions in class but you would not come over and help me.