Wednesday, February 28, 2007

News Flash...Student Voices!

Well, things are really going well in the classroom. I am super proud of all the students who are diligently working to complete their historical fiction books. I know that some of the books are hard or might not be the most interesting, but thanks for completing the task at hand.

All lot has happened over the last two weeks...the school dance, a lock down, field trips, the start of girls basketball, the return of winter, mid quarter grades, and much more. Take some time to share a thought, express yourself and tell something excited.

Always keep it up beat, exhibit positive citizenship, and be school appropriate.


conor (alias: the beekeeper said...

well, something exciting...hmm, let me think...
this probably isnt very exciting, but, i'm going to a concert on the 11th in spokane hopefully with matt.
that doesnt really tie in with what this is for because that is something in the future.
oh, well.

Anonymous said...

CHECK THIS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some stuff is...
*alot of the seventh graders are going to the movies tonight
~some on dates
~some with friends
~the movie' is ghost rider

*NEWS FLASH!! some of the couples right now are:
~Miranda F. and Rawley C.
~Taylor L. and Riley P.
~Alisha(in 8th grade) and Tom S.
~Savanna L. just dumped Levi R.
~Haley O. and Dylan K.
~Kiara Z. and Jake Z.
~Madie M. and Kyle G.
~Justin isn't currently but if he could he would go out with Hailey F., Jazmine K, or Leslie R.

Anonymous said...

HERE'S SOME MORE ABOUT THE COUPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recommended couples:
~Travis M. and Adrienne S.
~Brandon L. and Gracie F.
~Shane B. and Hailey F.
~Justin R. and Jazmine K.
~Ashley L. and Dunkin H.
~Levi R. and Kiara Z.
~Jake Z. and Brittney B.
here's your info and thanx 4 reading!!

post anymore that come to mind and if you're on this give it a try to your recommended match!!

Anonymous said...

hey, mr.joachim Ireally miss you and the class. Ihope somday I can come back to newport and fisit you and.and maybe some of my other teachers. say hi to mr nicholas for me.

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Anonymous said...

Hello michelle
how was track today?? was it fun? OOHHH!! i forgot to thank U for saving me a very lowwwwwwwwwwwww grade. i know i already asked you these questions over the phone but i like typing. well t-t-u-later(talk-to-you-later) goodbye madie

Anonymous said...
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conor (alias: the beekeeper said...

yo, why does everyone say that matt and mandy should go out?
matt already has a girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

no kidding i sooooooo don't want to go out with matt>ew hes like my friend

conor (alias: the beekeeper said...

mandy, u like him, just admit it.

Anonymous said...

Hay what did you think of the wasl? well i thought it was sorta and not really hard if i was to rate it i would rate it a 5 how would you rate it ?

Anonymous said...

We have a game at the Elementry School this Saturday the time is at 9:00A.M. Please come and supprt the Mead Sabers for Brittney Biss or u can support the Newport Avalanche.