Monday, September 10, 2007

Daily Agenda

Entry Task
Create a list of all seven continents.

Presentation Assignment

Presentation Rubric

Online Research

Find two websites about your historical figure. Throughly read the website to gain a better insight of the person. Then record the URL or web address on your paper and three new facts that you learned.


Anonymous said...

Mr joachim,
when you say we have to thouroughly read. my internet at home is down and these r pretty long so r we allowed to print them? if not can we read them at lunch?

Anonymous said...

mr joachim,
r we going to havve to turn in our notes for our project???????

Anonymous said...

mr joachim,
since you havent answered i need to ask 1 more question. do we have to turn in our costumes before our presentation?

Anonymous said...

mr joachim when r our costumes due please reply cause i just herd they were due monday and you never told us they were due