Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Back For Day Two :)

Parent Letter

Two Truths and A Lie

Mr Joachim's-
1. I have traveled to over 13 countries.
2. I went to college on a full ride cross country and track scholarship.
3. I enjoy construction work and hope to be a general contractor someday.

S.S. Book Assignment
Be an Active Reader - pg. xvi
Book Scavenger Hunt- pg. xxiii


Anonymous said...

Mr. Joachim, do we have to have the scavenger hunt completed tonight?

Mr. Joachim said...

Please do your best to have that assignment completed by the start of class. It is worth 14 pts. One point for each question and one point for each item in the proper header.

The 7th grade header should be as follows.
..................Name (First & Last)
..................Date (dd/mm/yy)
..................Class (subject & period)

Anonymous said...

Mr Joachim,
In the Active Reader section, do we have to answer all of the questions?

Mr. Joachim said...

No. The questions are simply examples of question that a reader may ask as they read a section in the textbook. All you need to do is read pages xvi - xxii. These sections will help you learn how to read the textbook and understand how it is divided into sections and chapters.

Make sure you read it thoroughly as it will help you understand the book.

Anonymous said...

hi mr.joachim its gage and i remember you telling us that we had to leave you a coment and didnt you also say that there was a problem on here that we had to do if so can you tell me were to go to find it

Anonymous said...

Mr. Joachim

I don't know how to answre #7on the scavanre hunt,Ineed help