Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Daily Agenda

Entry Task
    Record the main ideas of chapter 2, section 2 into your notebook.
Note Taking and Outlining pg.710
    Never Trust a Monkey always take your own notes!
    Section Headings, Subheadings and Details
Ch. 2, Sec. 1 Outline Model
    I. Settling The Nile
        A. A Mighty River
            1. Nile river = drink, bath, cook, farm
            2. Longest River in World
            3. Two Sources
                a. White Nile
                b. Blue Nile
    B. A Sheltered Land
            1. Delta
            2. Sahara Desert
            3. Eastern Desert and Read Sea
            4. Cataracts
II. The River People
        A. Regular Flooding
        A. How did the Egyptians Use the Nile

(Finish this outline and complete sec. 2)
Ch. 2, Sec. 2 #1-6

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