Monday, November 26, 2007


Expository Writing
This extra credit assignment is worth 15 points and 1 Renaissances Card
Choose one event or item from the Golden Age of Greece, read two websites about the event and then write a brief 2-3 paragraph summary of the event. To earn all points you must identify the two websites and provide a final draft of your summary. Post your summary onto this blog.


ky said...

Hey Mr. Joachim! I see you've gotten the beyond the walls blog up to date, but the language of literature is still on november sixth. Please keep posting to both blogs!!!

Anonymous said...

heres my exttra creit.

My websites were and age

I chose to write about Socrates.
Amoung the dwellers of Athens emerged philosopher Socrates.He is mosly known thought his student Plato.the "Soctic method" consists of asking questions until you get the underlined measge of a subject by a negative method of hyphoteses elimination,where the best hyphoteses is found during by finding and getting rid of the ones that read to conradictions. Socrates belived that virt we was the most valuable thing of all possesion. Philospher was some one who aws to point out to people how little they actually know.He was executed by state.

In his use of critical reasoning ,by unwavering commitment to truth ,and though the vivid example of his lie.Fifth century Atheian Socrates set the stadard for all subsequent Western philosophy. The rest of his life ,Socrates devoted himself to free wheeling discusion with young citizens of Athens.Socrates systemtically refules the superficial notion of pietynas doing whatever is pleasing the gods.Scocrates of Meno tries to determine whether or not virtue can be taught.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My websites were and

I am writing about the Peloponnesian War.Suspicious and fearful of Athenian power and wealth the spartans were not happy about a thiety year peace they signed to so they fell into a war. They outnumbered them two to one so they thought those odds would mean the Athenians could only stand up against them for a very short amount of time. They burned crops to starve them. The Athenians tried to get the people of Milos to join them and there choices were join or the town would be destroyed. They refused so the Athenians then massacred the men and women and children were made slaves. That made all the ancient world turn against them. The Athenians wanted to fight at sea instead of on land and Pericles thought they could hold off Sparta for a long time on the tribute money from Europe.

Pericles died two years into the war from a plague that devastated Athens. After ten years of fighting they had both been weakened and signed a fifty year peace named Peace of Nicias. They were allowed to go home and the territory remained the same.Then a person named Alcibiades convinced the Athenians to attack Sicily and it turned to a disaster. They were destroyed by the Syracusians. Then they were all sold into slavery and with the navy and army od Athens gone Sparta was able to march right into Athens, suspend the democracyand install a pro-Spartan oligarchy known as The Thirty.