Friday, March 18, 2011

Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education

Well doing some morning research I came across this TED talk from Salman Khan. His ideas parallel some ideas that I would like to see implemented into the brick and mortar walls of a school.  Very constructivist in nature! 

Why is it that a teacher must stand infront of the classroom to lecture.  In this digital age teachers should be facilitators; after all the best instructors in the world are posting content online.  Isn't it more efficient to facilitate student learning my directing them to tools and resources?  I desire to see differentiated instruction to each and every student!  I believe online tools are the key to this goal.  

Salman has created a free site that helps share is content:  Khan Academy.  His companies motto is "Watch. Practice. Learn almost anything- for free."  

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