Friday, March 18, 2011

How state budgets are breaking US schools' by Bill Gates

It is easy to criticize the Microsoft Empire...I mean corporation.  MSFT has a 208.21 billion market cap and MS Windows controls approximately 87% of the computer operating systems.  Not quite global dominance, but close. 

However, I find myself continually impressed with the Gates family.  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation( is truly making changes in the world as they work to improve health, nutrition and education around the world.  Currently the Foundation is offering a $100 million grant initiative to encourage innovation in global health research.

Recently, Gates has been more outspoken about the state of the US economy and budget issues.  This TED talk addresses state budget issues and how cuts in education are not the answer.  His best quote in the talk is "Enron would blush!"  

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