Monday, April 4, 2011

Critique of Observation Instrument: Washington DC's IMPACT

Tool Name
Washington, DC IMPACT

Evaluation Type
Classroom Observations
Instructional Artifacts
Value-Added Models
Student Performance Measures
Combination Models

All Subjects
English Language Learners specific

All Grades

Use of Evaluation


This product was developed by Washington, D.C., Public Schools.

Product Description
IMPACT is a performance assessment system that aims to ensure teacher effectiveness throughout the Washington, D.C., public school system. Included in the system are differentiated evaluations for teachers of general, ELL, and special education students; counselors; mentor teachers; and other support staff. Evaluations of teachers are multi-dimensional and include five observations conducted by master evaluators and principals, an assessment of collaboration with other teachers, an assessment of commitment to the school community, an assessment of core professionalism, schoolwide gains in standardized test scores, and either non-value-added student achievement growth or value-added test score measures of teachers' classrooms. Weighting of each piece of this assessment is altered depending on the type of teacher being assessed.

General Target Population Information
All school personnel including school custodians will have a portion of their evaluation based on the schoolwide test score growth.

Stage of Teacher Development
All Stages

This product is used in Washington, D.C.

Research and Resources
Research is currently under way.

This system was not developed for sale or marketing purposes.

Contact Information
Phone: 202-719-6553

Support Available
IMPACT Guidebooks for 20 different occupational profiles are available for viewing. These include measures for general education teachers with and without value-added scores, special education teachers, ELL teachers, library media specialists, mentor teachers, and others.

Source:  National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality. Copyright © 2010


Mr. Joachim said...

IMPACT: DC Public School Teacher Observation Program

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 10: Eric Bethel, an idealistic master educator for the DC Public School, writes up teacher observation notes between observations at Eaton Elementary School on February 10, 2011, in Washington, DC. Education reformers nationwide are pushing for more rigorous, quantifiable ways to evaluate teachers, and DC is in the vanguard of that effort. DC's controversial system is known as IMPACT.

(Photo by Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post) Jahi Chikwendiu / The Washington Post

Mr. Joachim said...

In an effort to help teachers understand the observation tools being used to assess their teaching the DCPS system created a set of 20 guidebooks.

Each guidebook carefully outlines the observation process for different educational occupational within the DCPS system. This includes measure for general education teachers with and without value-added scores, special education teachers, ELL teachers, library media specialists, mentor teachers, and others.

The first guide book is General Education Teachers with Individual Value-Added Student Achievement Data.

Mr. Joachim said...

Some additional helpful links:

DCPS Guidebooks

DCPS Homepage