Thursday, March 27, 2014

Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint

Tips for managing digital footprint
  • Never post anything that you might find embarrassing later...for yourself or others. 
  • Be careful with the pictures you post on your public profiles.
  • Change the privacy settings on your social networking sites so that only your Friends can see your information 
  • Do not disclose your personal address, phone number, passwords. 
  • Do not post things to bully, hurt, blackmail, insult, or afflict any kind of harm on others 
  • Always keep in mind that once information has been posted online, it can be almost impossible to remove. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

6th Grade Healthy Choice:Exploring Interests

Greetings!  It is a pleasure to be your teacher today.  Today, think about your interests and hobbies.  The word "hobby" originally was used to signify a kind of horse with a slow, ambling gait, one that gentlemen or ladies rode in their leisure. What does the word mean today?  Can you connect this current meaning and original meaning? Get ready to share your theory.

Ball Toss Greeting

Whip Share: What is a hobby or interest you have outside of school?  After the go-round, see what students can remember about what hobby/interest each has.

Alibi, using a hobby as part of your alibi.

Student Folders

Interest Inventory 
Create a 3-column table and list interests into three sets.

  1. Things I like 
  2. Neutral 
  3. Things I don't like.

Create a list of ten different personal interests.

Identify ten different types of careers that relate to 'things I like'

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Potential of Code


Explore the following websites:
What is a dot-com millionaire?

Mini Lesson- HTML Fundamentals
Follow the step-by-step HTML Fundamentals guide at  This side will lead you through 21 slides that will introduce and define the fundamentals of HTML code.  Along the way you will have the opportunity to play with HTML code and see the direct effects of your work.

Task: My favorite Pet

Use the following checklist to create your website:
  • Website Title in Code and on page
  • Background Color
  • 3 images
  • 3 facts
  • 3 font sizes (title, subtitle, content)
  • Unique Style
Use notepad to create your very first freestanding website. Once you have created the code, save the notepad document as mywebsite.html into your network file. Be sure to put the .html on to the filename.

Go to your network file and open the document in a web browsers. It should default to a web browser. Did it work?

You can toggle back to the notepad document with the [alt + tap] command. Other helpful shortcut keys are [ctrl + s] to save the notepad document and [ctrl + r] to refresh the Internet browser! As you build your website use the Internet browser to check your progress. Remember, one misplaced character will spoil the entire page. Precision language is the key to success.

Friday, March 14, 2014


Welcome to the HTML Club!

HyperText Markup Language, HTML, is the one of the basic languages used to create web pages. In all reality, it isn’t truly a language, just a markup language that informs Internet browsers how to display text-based information in a document. HTML is just a code. It’s really quite simple; one just has to get past all the extraneous symbols, words and numbers that creates the formating of document.

Task 1: HTML Basics

Learn the basics of HTML at 3w School’s HTML Tutorial. Be sure to read each page to get a sound understanding of how to use each function of a website. The Tryit Editor is a great way to see how various changes effect the view of a website. Make sure to click on the Try It Yourself links. Good Luck!

Task 2: Creating Your First Website

Use the w3 School’s Tryit Editor to create a website that looks like the following. You’ll have to search the Internet to find your own monkey image.

You might need to review the following pages from the w3 School’s website: Introduction, Headings, Images, Styles, and Text Formatting.

Helpful HTML Tools

True Color Chart

HTML Code Tutorial and Examples

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Can we create a small power distribution grid?

Additional Links to Explore:
US Energy Information Administration - WA Data 

Where in the world?

This last week while I was visiting classrooms I found myself fascinated with the level of student engagement in Sam's 7/8th grade social studies classroom.  Students were carefully labeling geographic features on large world maps. Maps, atlases and computers were randomly being shared around the room as students learned the locations of the seven continents, four oceans, and numerous rivers, bays, seas mountains and other features, nearly 100 items in total.  As Sam and I walked around we talked about how students direct experiences help them make better connection.  In a quick moment of excitement, we created a Google Doc where students were able to record pictures, experiences, and comments for each of the geographic features they were studying. 

On Sunday, as I was writing this brief memo I jumped onto the open doc to record a post on the Tropic of Cancer.  While on the document three additional students were observed adding items to the assignment.  It is exciting to see this level of engagement. 

As a teacher, we never know exactly how students will use what we are teaching.  However, I know that the students in Sam's class have the capability to accomplish whatever they strive to do.  The skills that he is teaching will help future urban planners, cartographers, GIS specialist, scientist, business women, writers and more.  

Friday, September 6, 2013

6-8 Grade: Salmon Bay Technology Presentaion

At Salmon Bay School we have two MacBook, three Chromebook and one iPad cart available for classroom teachers to use in their teaching and learning. Additionally, we have two computer labs in the school, presentations stations(document camera, projector and laptop) in each classroom, and five Wireless Access Points(WAP) open to students throughout the 3rd floor. Next school year the entire school will be blanked with an open wifi network.
Technology Presentation by Brett  - Technology Use Agreement - Bring Your Own Device - Cloud Computing - More...Daily Double
Network Access
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is committed to moving students and staff forward in a 21st century learning environment.   As part of this plan SPS will now allow high school and middle school students and staff to access the District Wireless Network currently in the Libraries using their own technology devices (laptops, Smart Phones, iPads etc.) during the learning day.
With classroom teacher approval, students may use their own devices in the Library to access and save information from the Internet, communicate with other learners and use the productivity tools loaded on their own devices.
Salmon Bay Way of using technology in the classroom.
  • Use two clean hands
  • Use on flat surfaces
  • Always remain seated
  • Clean fingerprints off surface
  • Be gentle
  • Share nicely
  • Follow instructions
  • Ask for help
  • Only teachers change the setting

Helpful Links: