Monday, March 24, 2014

6th Grade Healthy Choice:Exploring Interests

Greetings!  It is a pleasure to be your teacher today.  Today, think about your interests and hobbies.  The word "hobby" originally was used to signify a kind of horse with a slow, ambling gait, one that gentlemen or ladies rode in their leisure. What does the word mean today?  Can you connect this current meaning and original meaning? Get ready to share your theory.

Ball Toss Greeting

Whip Share: What is a hobby or interest you have outside of school?  After the go-round, see what students can remember about what hobby/interest each has.

Alibi, using a hobby as part of your alibi.

Student Folders

Interest Inventory 
Create a 3-column table and list interests into three sets.

  1. Things I like 
  2. Neutral 
  3. Things I don't like.

Create a list of ten different personal interests.

Identify ten different types of careers that relate to 'things I like'

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