Friday, March 21, 2014

The Potential of Code


Explore the following websites:
What is a dot-com millionaire?

Mini Lesson- HTML Fundamentals
Follow the step-by-step HTML Fundamentals guide at  This side will lead you through 21 slides that will introduce and define the fundamentals of HTML code.  Along the way you will have the opportunity to play with HTML code and see the direct effects of your work.

Task: My favorite Pet

Use the following checklist to create your website:
  • Website Title in Code and on page
  • Background Color
  • 3 images
  • 3 facts
  • 3 font sizes (title, subtitle, content)
  • Unique Style
Use notepad to create your very first freestanding website. Once you have created the code, save the notepad document as mywebsite.html into your network file. Be sure to put the .html on to the filename.

Go to your network file and open the document in a web browsers. It should default to a web browser. Did it work?

You can toggle back to the notepad document with the [alt + tap] command. Other helpful shortcut keys are [ctrl + s] to save the notepad document and [ctrl + r] to refresh the Internet browser! As you build your website use the Internet browser to check your progress. Remember, one misplaced character will spoil the entire page. Precision language is the key to success.

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