Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Just For Fun! The Stupid Joke Contest

Here is your chance to show your wit and have a little laugh with some buffoonery one-liners.

This is a wisecrack, monkeyshine, stupid joke contest.

Create your own, original jokes and post them below. Please keep all drollery school appropriate and human sensitive.


conor (alias: the beekeeper said...
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Anonymous said...

Too funny, I just posted a joke contest on my site (potential $$$) and searched on Google to find others ... yours was the first to pop up!

OK, here's my dumb joke:

Q: Why did the bubble gum cross the road?
A: Because it was stuck to the chicken's foot!


Anonymous said...

-two peanuts walk into a bar.

-one was a salted!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!

Sky said...
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Sky said...

What do you call a Polar Bear with ear muffs?

Anything he can't hear you!!!

Sky said...

what do you call a deer in water?

A reindeer

Sky said...

What do you call a sleeping bull?

A bulldozer


Sky said...

Teacher: Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in NY harbor?

Student: Because it can't sit down.

Sky said...

How does a mouse feel after a bath?

Sqeaky clean!!!

Sky said...

What did one car muffler say to the other car muffler?

Boy, am I exhausted!!!!

Sky said...


What do you call a moose in water?

A water buffalo

Anonymous said...

stupidest joke contest
nock nock who's there bannana bannana who bannanna , bannana who bannana ,bannana who orange ornch who yah glad i didnt say bannana
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think i should win

Anonymous said...

A duck walks into a bar. He gets a couple of a drinks and walks up to the bartender. The bartender says,"That would be $6.82." The ducks then says,"put it on my bill".

(Hint:If you do not get. Well think,a duck has a beak also called a bill, so if they place on his bill, they are placing the money on his bill."


Anonymous said...

knock knock
who's there
nobody who
there nodody there so theres nobody

Anonymous said...

A redneck family are visiting a big city for the first time.

The father ans son are in the hotel lobby when they spot an elavter.

"What's that paw?" The bot asked.

"ain't never seen nothin' like that in my life" Replied the father.

Seconds later a old frail ladie walks in the hotel door and hobbles to the elavtor presses the button with her cain waits for the door to open and gets in.

The father and son still amazed by the contraption continue to watch.

Then they here a ding noise and a beautiful 20 year old blonde walks out.

The father looks at his sun and says. "Go get your maw!"

Knock knock
whos there?
Doris who?
Doris locked thats why i had to knock

Anonymous said...

this joke is hilarious!!!i no ur gonna laugh.

How did the chicken cross the road?
to get to the other side SILLY!!!

well, maybe u didn't laugh but o well = ]

Anonymous said...

ok, here's another 1 that's funny 2

what do u call 1 gracie on the moon

what do u call ALL the gracies on the moon?

it's usually blondes or other things so i just used myself

LOL = ] : ) ; }

conor (alias: the beekeeper said...

why does snoop dog need an umbrella?

answer: FO' DRIZZLE

conor (alias: the beekeeper said...

who is the best dancer at a monster party?

answer: the boogy man

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I mean hello?

Anonymous said...

ok this is my favorite and most original joke so noone take it k

OK there were theses two muffins siting in the oven one muffin looks at the other muffin and says"whoa its hot in here" and the other one says "oh my gosh A talking muffin" soooo funny


Anonymous said...

Hey why do you never go hungry in the desert?

Cause theres lots of sand-whiches!

Anonymous said...

What do checks do?

They Bounce!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

A blond walked into a bar!!!!!!!!!

If your a little slow heres a clue a bar a pole!!!!!!!!! If you still don't get it you just might be blond. LOL Ha

Anonymous said...

what do u call a frisky zebra with no strips?

a White stud! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! IM soooooooooo funnnnny!

Anonymous said...

whos dumb cluck

Anonymous said...

alrighty here we go

three blondes walk into a bar
u'd think one of them woulda seen it!! lol lol hahaha hahehahe

Anonymous said...

r u ready?

a blonde was walking along a side walk when she saw a banana peel and said

Anonymous said...

mr joachim when do u announce the winner? u should announce it to 5th period and let us watch our video the one where someone wuz picking their nose!! u no, that 1

Anonymous said...

nutter butter stop wasting space!!!!

Anonymous said...

your mama is so fat her shadow weighs 45 pounds

ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

whos super duper monkey pooper?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

u guys, it's not wasting space!!! how is it? it's not like it doesn't leave room 4 others 2 type becuz the page will just keep getting bigger as you add more! itty bitty and anonymous, u guys need to back off & let people do their thing.

Anonymous said...

here's a dumb joke
Q:what did the math book say to the english book?
A:my life is full of problems

here's another one
Q:which side of the roof did the rooster lay it's egg on?
A:roosters don't lay eggs SILLY!!

Anonymous said...

who is itty bitty?

Anonymous said...

i think super duper monkey pooper is justin reyes lol
oh yah if u think i'm wasting space then why do u fill up space w/ saying i'm wasting space? but anywayz it's not wasting space

Anonymous said...


when are u gonna announce the winner becuz after all it is the Stupid Joke CONTEST

Anonymous said...

Wat do u do if ur cake strikes out?

call in the next batter!!

Anonymous said...

Why was the water foutain taken to court?

For being drunk in a public place!

Anonymous said...

Why was the mushroom the hit of the party?

He was a fungi!!!!!

(If u dont understand,He was a FUN-GUY/FUNGI)

Anonymous said...

If a nut on the wall is a walnut, than what is a nut in the bathroom?

A pee can!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why did the tea pot blush?

She thought the kettle was whistling at her!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why was the dresser imbarrassed?

Its drawers fell down!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here is my stupid, yet hilarious, joke. It's a little silly song thing-a-ma-bob.

~sea gull, sea gull, in the sky
~why you poop, I don't know why
~I don't laugh, I don't cry
~I'm just glad that cows don't fly

lol just imagine a cow pooping on you instead of a seagull

Anonymous said...

Mr. Jo when will u tell the stupid joke winner?

Anonymous said...

nutter butter isn't that from mr shaver?

Anonymous said...

Q:why do birds fly south for the winter?

A:because its too far to walk

Q:where does the one legged waitress work


Anonymous said...

ok this may not be the best that i can do but here it goes!!!

what does a football coach ask the cashregister dude at the bank?

he says he wants his quarter back!!!

Anonymous said...

this one is a story

this guy is going in for mental help and the doctor he went to asked him where his leg was and he pointed to his arm, then the doctor asked him where his arm was and the man pointed to his leg.
so the doctor sent the man away to learn the parts of a body and bones and stuff. so after a while the guy came back to the doctor for his final check up and the doctor asked him where his arms and where his legs where and the guy answered him correctly so the doctor asked him how he had learned all that and the man said his kidneys and he pointed to his head!!!!!!!!

Clue- fyi your kidneys are located behind your spleen and stomache somwhere and they are part of your urinary system.

Anonymous said...

People always say that life is too short, I mean, life is the longest thing that you,ll ever do. What do they mean by that?


Anonymous said...

Don,t you hate it when somebody just points to their wrist to get the time, I mean, when somebody does that to me, I just say, "Yeah, I got a watch, where's yours?"

Anonymous said...

So this blond girl walks into a bar, and a guy asks why she's carrying a ladder into the bar, and she says, "The bartender said that the drinks on the house."