Friday, April 27, 2007

China WebQuest


Welcome to China! In this WebQuest, we will travel to China online to discover and explore this fascinating country. You will each assume a role as an expert in some aspect of Chinese culture, society and history, after which you will share this expertise with the class via a PowerPoint presentation, using information you have gleaned from the Internet sources provided below.

The Task

The end result, or product, will be a 3 to 5 minute presentation to the class using PowerPoint slides comprised of information and illustrations gleaned from the Web that best illustrate the aspect of culture on which you have developed expertise.

The Process

  1. First, you will join one other classmate to form a team. If you are an experienced computer user, please team up with a less experienced classmate.

  2. Second, you will select a topic that interests you from the topics listed below and sign up with Mr. Joachim, on a first-come-first-served basis. Select several topics in case your first choice has already been selected by another group.

  3. We will then work on the project for approximately four class days.

  4. You will then explore the sites listed below for information on your topic. You will want to divide up the work.

  5. You will take notes on your topic and give your presentation extemporaneously without reading. You may use text in your slides, but it must be large enough so that it can be seen by everyone when projected. The presentations should take about 3-5 minutes per team.
travel agents
Buddhist priests
opera singers/writers
business persons
human rights watchers
Tibetan Buddhists
political scientists
diplomats or foreign service officers
journalists from the China Daily
news reporter from CNN
Fung Shui consultants
martial arts instructor
acupuncturist and/or masseur
museum curators
US Congressmen
US religious leaders

Links to Web Sites for this Project:

China Travel System:

Art of China Home Page (scenery):

China the Beautiful:

China on the Net:

Dragon Tour (official travel site):

Fung Shui Links:

Fung Shui:

Megastories: Out There News Explores China:

Discovery Online: Secrets of the Great Wall:

Yahoo China Sources:


Your work in the computer lab, your Web presentation and your Web site evaluation will be evaluated according to the following rubric. You will receive individual grades.

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