Friday, April 27, 2007

China WebQuest

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Mr. Joachim
i was wondering if this was were we were suppost to type to get the renesieance thingy but here are my five facts anyway: Shang Dynasty
-1-during the shang dynasty they discovered bronze by combining tin and copper.-2-Also during the shang dynasty they created or inveted the horse drawn chariots insetead of having to run all the time during battle.-3-The Shang dynasty was the longest dynasty in Ancient China, it lasted 700 years.
-4-Like Egyptian writing the shang way or what the writing was based on was pictures that standed for ideas and word phrases.-5-During the Shang Dynasty, before, and till today China is the resting place of Mount Everest the tallest mountain on earth. the Himalaya Mountains and i think Mount Everest are the boarders to or of China and Asia or India((i think:))