Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Renaissance Challenge - China's Dynasties

A dynasty is a line of rulers who belong to the same family.
The following is a list of the dynasties of Ancient China:

To earn a renaissance card, choose one period and provide five fascinating facts from that time period. Only one card will be reward for each time period. If you are the first one to post facts on a time period come and get your renaissance card from me. Good Luck with this challenge.

Red highlighted periods are completed.


Anonymous said...

hi Mr. Joachim i accidently posted my five facts for the shang dynasty of china in the web quest section instead of here. ooopppsss!!! sorry!!!!!
madie merrill

Anonymous said...

i will try to copy and paste

Anonymous said...

hey Mr. Joachim
i was wondering if this was were we were suppost to type to get the renesieance thingy but here are my five facts anyway: Shang Dynasty
-1-during the shang dynasty the discovered bronze by combining tin and copper.-2-Also during the shang dynasty they created or inveted the horse drawn chariots insetead of having to run all the time.-3-The Shang dynasty was the longest dynasty in Ancient China.
-4-Like Egyptian writing the shang way or what the writing was based on was pictures that standed for ideas and word phrases.-5-During the Shang Dynasty, before, and till today China is the resting place of Mount Everest the tallest mountain on earth. the Himalaya Mountains and i think Mount Everest are the boarders to or of China and Asia or India((i think:))
madie merrill

Anonymous said...

I did it! i didn' think that i could cut and paste but i did and i feel better now. well g-t-g
bye madie merrill

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Joachim, how are you?
I got some good facts on the Qin dynasty.
1)Emperor Qin built the 1st great wall of china.
2)Many of his followers believed that he was cruel
3)Emperor Qin named himself the 1st emperor of the Qin dynasty
4)The Qin dynasty was the shortest dynasty.
5)He unified China & created 1 currency.
Bye Anna R.

Mr. Joachim said...

Great job Madie and Anne. The both of you have earned a renaissance card. Don't forget to get them from me, as this week the renaissance wheel will spin.

Anonymous said...

I have five facts on the Han Dynasty. The Han were a qrominate family known as the Liu clan, their reign lasted 400 years, there were 4 seperate Han Dynasties, and they were noteable for their military prowess.

Anne G.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mr.Joachim
Here are five facts about The Western Zhou.
1. The Zhou kings maintained control over their vassals for more than two centuries.
2. In 256BC defeated the eastern army.
3. In his young days he served in the government.
4. Qu Yaun was born in an aristocratic family.
5. The Western Zhou period covered twelve emperors lasting for about 275 years.