Monday, April 30, 2007

This Week

This week the main goal is to complete the China WebQuest. Each day you will have ½ the class period to complete the textbook reading assignment and then ½ the class to work on the WebQuest activity. Please use your time wisely.

- Chapter 7, Section 1, Questions #1-5. China’s First Civilizations, pg. 224
- WebQuest Research

- Entry Task: May Day, Just what is it?
- Classroom Blog Review
-WebQuest work time
Ch. 7, Sec. 1 #1-5


Anonymous said...

What type of stuff do we have to add to our WebQuest powerpoint?

Mr. Joachim said...

Your powerpoint is only going to be 3-5 minutes long. You need to review the topic you have chosen. If you chose to be an person, you must present information that that person may presented.
i.e. A CNN Report = Report on a news event.

Anonymous said...

we have finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

we love you ! rox on !

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Jo
Hows it going? you told me the only way to get on the computer was if i blogged so i'm blogging wit nothing to say. Riley wants to why you make us take so many notes? I have a question why when we are reading the giver do you make us stop and do all this stuff it just makes it more difficult so you shouldn't do that anymore. OK
toot alo