Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Daily Agenda

Entry Task
-What is the difference between a sea and an ocean. Name the four oceans.
Remember 911
YouTube WTC 9/11 Tribute
1st Person Presentation Points
-Peer Score......................28 Pts
-Teacher Score................56 Pts
-Daily Research...............40 Pts
-Online Research Notes....10 Pts
-Library Book Notes.........10 Pts
-------------------Total = 144 Pts
Online Research
Library Research
-First Person Library Resources


Anonymous said...

when do we need our costumes for our first person presentation???

Anonymous said...

Yes, Courtney your costume is 1/7th of your presentation grade.

Anonymous said...

when do we give our presentaion

Anonymous said...

when do we need our costumes

Anonymous said...

Mr Joachim,
when do we present? r our costumes due before we present?

Anonymous said...

thank you for replying me i have a better understanding now that i know

Anonymous said...

WHEN are we going to start our presentations?????

Anonymous said...

when is our costumes due

Anonymous said...

*WHEN*is our presentaion due???

ky said...

Hello mr. joachim! I've tried all the HTML tags except for one. What is a (<>)for?